Thursday, March 26, 2009

On Turning 50

Wow, it's been so long since I've updated my blog I was afraid I might forget my password! I've been much too busy working (the retirement lifestyle is much more to my liking!) and having computer issues so I just haven't spent much time at the computer. I have a post or two rolling around in my head so I'll get to it.

Last Saturday I turned 50! Today in exercise class their was a new lady and someone made comment about her being young. She said she was 53 and they all said "how does it feel to be considered a kid at 50?" That made me think. Most people dread 50, we put up black balloons, etc. for decorations and talk about "going over the hill." However, I can't think of a birthday in recent history where I've been more excited.

During my 49th year I came across an article that talked about turning 50 and that being the Jubilee year (see Leviticus 25). That led to many conversations with the Lord about my Jubilee year. I heard a pastor in the last couple of months who said there were 3 major things that happened in the Jubilee year.
1. Debtors are freed from their debts (Jesus did that for me on the Cross)
2. Slaves are set at liberty (Jesus blood and the power of the Holy Spirit set me free.)
3. Land was restored to it's former possession or original purpose.

Number 3 was the exciting part. I sensed the Lord telling me that at 50 He was going to now set before me the purpose for which He created me. I've spent the last 50 learning and growing, making mistakes, figuring out who I was, learning to listen and obey God's voice, failing miserably and then getting up to try again. I want to spend the next 50 serving the Lord with all the knowledge from lessons learned.

I'm so excited to see what God has in store that indeed I do feel like a kid full of excitement about the journey to come. I'm so glad I didn't get one single black balloon or over the hill card because I'm not sad. I'm excited to see what's over the crest of that hill!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Whiskey Girl or Proverbs 31 Woman

I know the title is strange but it is what went through my mind while riding my bike in a cycling class at the fitness center the other day. We were riding for an hour to a selection of songs with varying speeds, tempos, etc. There was a country song in the group and I'm assuming the name would have to be something like Whiskey Girl. The chorus had a line that went, "she's my little whiskey girl, my rough around the edges, but I like em rough."

The writer of the song apparently didn't have a mother like King Lemuel. His mom gave him some good advice when it came to women. Her advice is recorded in the Bible and is commonly called the Proverbs 31 Woman. The kings mom started by saying "don't give your strenght to women or your ways to that which destroys kings. It is not for Kings to drink wine or for rulers to desire strong drink. She then goes on to describe the wife she would desire for him and the wife God wants women to be to their husbands.

The description starts with the words, an excellent wife who can find? For her worth in far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life. The description ends with these words, "charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her the product of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates."

Something tells me the man who chooses the "whiskey girl over the Proverbs 31 woman will not tell the same story. I suspect his heart will never quite trust her whiskey clouded heart and she won't get much good accomplished while nursing a hang over. The whiskey might help her pull off a fake charm, but it will eventually destroy the beauty and she won't be praised in the community.

I don't have sons to warn about avoiding the whiskey girl. I do have a young woman for whom I pray everyday that she becomes a P 31.