I read an article today in the local paper about someone who attends one of my exercise classes. I was amazed at the obstacles this person has overcome in the past several years. I knew there was a "story" there but had no idea what the story was behind the person. I have always been drawn to this person and after reading their story I have a new appreciation for what they have accomplished.
The whole experience reminded me that everyone has a story. So often we look at the outward appearance but God always see the heart. I'm learning more and more that people act out of the things that have happened to them both good and bad. Most people never know the "story" that motivates actions but are quick to judge the actions. Maybe I should just speak for myself. I guess that is why scripture warns us about being too hasty in judging others. Unlike God we don't have all the facts when we make our judgement.
I love hearing the "rest of the story" behind the people I meet. Apparently most people also like hearing the rest of the story because Paul Harvey made a career out of telling millions of them.
2014 Reading Recap
10 years ago