Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Exercise: Physical vs. Spiritual

I've decided I just need to sit down when I have a blog thought and write it down. I can always come back later and edit or finish it up later. I get into trouble when I say, "oh, I'll do that later when I have more time." Of course "later I can't remember exactly what I was going to say. I lose the magic of the moment.

My daughter who recently graduated from college is home until she finds a job and that has changed the way I spend my days. Don't misunderstand and think I am complaining! I'm just saying I don't have the volume of time at home alone to think and write that I used to have. We start our day reading the Word and talking about how it applies our current situation and then pray over the job search, our friends, family, etc. It has been a wonderful time to be able to teach and share with my daughter the things the Lord as taught me. I wouldn't trade this time for anything in the world. I know this time is fleeting and will become even more precious when it is gone.

Another thing we do is go to exercise classes together. We laugh at each other, compete against each other, and celebrate the improvements with each other. Again, it is time well spent. My daughter gets teased alot in class because she is in there with a bunch of retirees and senior folks. When I thought about it today, most of them excluding myself and the teacher have a good 40-50 years on her. She has a new appreciation for folks who have managed to keep themselves physically fit. They love having some young blood in the class so it works.

Finally the point of my post. As we were leaving the balance class today and talking about some the folks in the class and the improvements they have made, we commented on one older lady in particular. She is probably in her 70's and comes almost every day to a class. She has a difficult time with balance and we mentioned how she is usually very quiet during class because she has to concentrate so hard on maintaining balance. We discussed how with balance one of things that makes it difficult is the fear of falling. At that age, a fall could have serious long term effects. The other thing we talked about was legs on this lady. She had serious muscular legs for a 70 year old. She has kept herself in excellent shape. I commented that I would have liked to have seen her in her prime.

All of that discussion prompted me to think about spiritual exercise. In the natural we lose strength as we age even if we exercise and take care of ourselves. Our bodies are wasting away no matter what. In the spirit we can just keep getting stronger if we just keep using those spiritual muscles. And like the physical, it is often fear that keeps us from trying some exercises where we are out of our comfort zone. It reminded me of the verse in 1Timothy 4:8 that says, "for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and {also} for the {life} to come." Yes, what we are doing at the gym is good and has great value for our physical bodies. What we do first thing in the morning before we ever get to the gym is of much greater value -both for now and eternity!

One day I hope some young woman looks at me and says, "Wow that old Ms. Marshall is such a Godly, spiritual lady, I would have loved to have seen her in her prime!" However in the Spirit, if we keep feeding and exercising our "spirit man or woman," we don't deteriorate but just keep getting stronger until the Lord takes us home. I want to finish well, be strong in the Lord and inspire the next generation. I want to die or meet Jesus in the air "in my prime!"