I'm not sure why I have all these thoughts come rushing at me during exercise but for whatever reason here is another thought that came out of my Yoga class. If you are familiar with Yoga you know most people do that barefoot or if you are really into it you buy those expensive Yoga toe socks so you can get a better grip on those balance poses. Since most of us are barefoot and the class was full today, I happen to notice some feet. The interesting thing was they were not pretty feet at all. In fact,I observed some unattractive feet (I won't give you a vivid description of why). Now I have never thought my feet were pretty but I was feeling ok today in comparison.
As usual the Lord doesn't look at things the way we do. In Isaiah it says "His thoughts are higher than our thoughts." He proved that once again today as He reminded me of what He considers beautiful feet. Romans 10:15 says, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tiding of good things." Actually, Paul was quoting a scripture from Isaiah 52:7, "How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness, who announces salvation, and says to Zion, "Your God Reigns!"
If we wanted to enter a beautiful feet contest we would think of feet that are narrow, have well proportioned toes, uncallaused heels and well manicured nails. Not so with God. He looks for feet that delivered good news to people, feet that brought peace, brought news of happiness and talked about salvation and encouraged people by reminding them that God is still on the throne and reigns forever.
Humm...I might be due for a heavenly pedicure!
2014 Reading Recap
10 years ago